My life has been full of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened. ~ Michel de Montaigne.

When we live in fear or anxiety, we are constantly anticipating things to go wrong, for terrible misfortune to befall us. So we plan how we will respond or react. In this way, we are acting, or living as if what I thought is actually happening. In this way, I am robbing myself of this current moment when that horrible thing is not happening.

I am stopping myself from enjoying the moment, the experience.

For example - I have a good job or position at work. But I fear that I will be fired (because they will realise that I am not as good as they think I am). So rather than enjoying the congratulations on a job well done messages that I get, or having this position at work. I am constantly worried about being fired, and thinking of how I will cope, what will I tell my family etc. In this way, I am missing out on the experience of having a safe job and being supported at work.

Notice when you are creating your own terrible misfortunes in your mind, and then lovingly bring your attention back to your current reality.

Gifting yourself permission to experience this moment of accomplishment. To feel what it feels like at this moment.

Yes, it might not last, but at this moment, it is real. So allow yourself to feel this real moment.

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